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OSRL Oiled Wildlife Response Planning course in Singapore

Oiled wildlife response planning course participantsSea Alarm staff, in cooperation with personnel from Massey University’s Wildbase, provided the newly developed Oil Spill Response (OSRL) training course on Wildlife Response Planning, designed to help agencies and individuals involved in oil spill response to prepare for wildlife needs during an incident.

Held for the first time in Singapore in February 2014, the course included sessions on oiled wildlife response options and standards, ethical and animal welfare considerations, aspects of equipment, facilities and geographical response, structure and implementation of a wildlife response plan, and the importance of integrating oiled wildlife response into overall incident management.

The Oiled Wildlife Response Planning course will be offered again in 2014 in Belgium 9-10 October, and with a potential for a third session in Singapore at the end of the year. The October course will include a visit to the Wildlife Centre Ostend (WRCO) where participants will learn how the design of the facility lends itself to rapid conversion from general wildlife rehabilitation to dedicated oil spill response.

For more information, or to register,  please visit the OSRL training site.

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