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Sea Alarm gave a presentation to OTSOPA Contracting Parties on its work in Europe and its cooperation with OSRL/EARL. OTSOPA is the technical working group under the Bonn Agreement, the regional cooperation on oil spill prevention, response and mutual assistance for the North Sea and the North East Atlantic.

The OTSOPA 08 meeting was held in Southampton 27-30 May 2008, and included a visit to OSRL/EARL. As part of this visit, Sea Alarm gave a presentation on its work in Europe and its cooperation with OSRL/EARL.
The interesting discussion that followed this presentation was continued the next day in the formal session of OTSOPA.

There it was decided that oiled wildlife response is an important issue with great relevance for the Bonn Agreement and should receive more attention by OTSOPA and the Bonn Agreement. It was agreed that the Contracting Parties should report on oiled wildlife responses as part of their reporting obligations.


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