What are WildX and OneX packages?
Sea Alarm has developed two exercise portfolios with a range of serious games: WildX and OneX. Both include discussion-based games using ‘active learning’ principles where participants learn through experience and interaction.
The first versions of the exercise packages were developed under two EU funded projects.
The Exercise packages can be tailored to different participant’s needs, provide endless self-generated scenarios and are designed to be delivered in-person.
Why serious games?
Serious games have proven to be a valuable tool to engage, inspire and teach participants about the complexity of emergency response. They use different scenarios which allow for open discussion amongst players. By using dice, card decks, maps and other playful materials, each game stimulates creative free-thinking and active learning, while participants jointly study and discuss the scenarios. Games are designed to let participants work as a team while solving the presented challenges and to develop ‘ownership’ over the results of their discussions. They also help participants to understand the nature of emergency response in marine incidents by discussing the options for a successful response and developing new insights about their own role and that of other stakeholders.
Who are they for?
Professionals from authorities, industry to NGOs. They can all benefit from participating in a WildX or OneX exercise session. A mixed group of participants with different roles and knowledge is recommended, as they oversee a wide range of viewpoints, so maximising the effect of active learning.
What is the difference between OneX and WildX?
The two exercise packages have different aims and learning objectives: WildX focuses on integrated oiled wildlife response in marine pollution incidents and oneX focuses on the One Incident One response approach.
- Awareness of what a marine pollution wildlife emergency entails and the complexity of responding to it
- The various aspects and challenges of wildlife impact scenarios
- How to highlight and embed the concept of holistic and integrated management
- To understand the need for preparedness (plans and capabilities).
- The fast-changing scope for a new generation of marine incidents (HNS, new fuels, more infrastructure at sea, larger vessels)
- To visualise the physical, chemical, and technical consequences of scenarios
- Open discussions on strategical, tactical and operational response at sea and on the shore
- Entering cross-sectoral discussions (marine-coastal, gaps, who does what).