2025 • 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006 • 2005 • 2004
2025- January 23rd / OneX Workshop Explores Alternative Fuel Response in London
- December 5th / Chris Morris in Memoriam
- September 24th / OneX at the 2024 BALEX Delta Exercise
- July 8th / Sea Alarm at the 2024 IOSC
- January 29th / WildX tabletop package gets first run with industry
- September 5th / EUROWA-2 project comes to a close, with great success
- February 22nd / Sea Alarm starts the new year with visits to key stakeholders
- November 13th / Experts who stop learning, stop being experts
- November 10th / A new Integrated Wildlife Response Plan for Montenegro
- September 8th / Welcome Edel to the Sea Alarm Team!
- July 11th / EUROWA-2 project news
- July 5th / Sea Alarm contributes to the POPCORN Project
- July 5th / Sea Alarm at Interspill 2022 conference
- April 1st / Sea Alarm bids farewell to Christophe Blazy
- November 27th / Oiled wildlife response remains on the agenda at HELCOM Response
- December 21st / EUROWA-2: Moving the EUROWA project forward
- December 21st / A brand-new phase of cooperation with Oil Spill Response Limited
- December 21st / Christophe Blazy joins the Sea Alarm Team
- December 21st / Sea Alarm presents at OSRL Member events
- April 29th / Continuing our partnership with REMPEC
- December 23rd / Sea Alarm bids farewell to Paul Kelway
- December 23rd / Season’s Greetings from Sea Alarm
- September 23rd / EUROWA Summit and equipment inspection in Belgium
- September 23rd / Daniela Barreras Biesot joins Sea Alarm as Senior Technical Advisor
- July 30th / GOWRS Project partners meet in California
- March 22nd / Sea Alarm’s new team member
- March 22nd / Daniela Barreras Biesot seconded to Sea Alarm
- March 22nd / EUROWA equipment stockpile now in Ostend
- November 1st / Sea Alarm participation in HELCOM RESPONSE expands
- June 15th / Self-Assessment Tool used by OTSOPA
- March 14th / Cooperation between Sea Alarm and REMPEC continues
- March 14th / Dedicated wildlife session held at Interspill 2018
- March 12th / Netherlands preparedness project moves forward
- December 21st / Sea Alarm granted IOPC Funds observer status
- December 21st / Training in Arctic Russia
- December 21st / Developing oiled wildlife preparedness in the Netherlands
- December 21st / Expanding our horizons to marine wildlife emergencies
- December 21st / Three-day Baltic Oiled Wildlife Event
- December 21st / Wildlife preparedness event in Germany
- December 21st / Progress on the GOWRS project
- December 21st / The EUROWA team meets again
- December 21st / Sea Alarm at the 12th REMPEC Focal Points Meeting
- May 10th / EUROWA project comes to a close (for now)
- April 5th / A heartfelt thank-you from Brussels
- March 23rd / EUROWA Module project in final year
- March 21st / Technical discussion day at ITOPF
- November 25th / Oiled Wildlife Management training in Ireland
- November 25th / EUROWA equipment inspection and exercise
- November 25th / Sea Alarm assists international response to Flinterstar incident
- July 9th / Claude Velter joins WRCO full time
- December 22nd / Sea Alarm exercises oiled wildlife response with Shell in Spain
- December 22nd / SAF provides preparedness and response training to IOPC Funds
- December 22nd / EUROWA project selected for funding by the European Commission
- December 19th / Sea Alarm continues work with Dutch oiled wildlife responders
- December 19th / Oiled wildlife preparedness workshop held in Aberdeen
- November 17th / Dates for 2015 Oiled Wildlife Response Planning course announced
- June 11th / In Memoriam: Jay Holcomb
- February 6th / European oiled wildlife response team meets in Ostend
- December 16th / Sea Alarm in the news: Trinidad oiled wildlife response training
- November 25th / HELCOM 2013 agrees to develop wildlife plans by 2016
- November 25th / Meet the Sea Alarm team
- November 25th / Exploring the need for NGO cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region
- November 25th / Comprehensive oiled wildlife exercises the Netherlands
- November 25th / Sea Alarm provides preparedness assistance in Ireland
- November 25th / Visit our updated websites
- October 2nd / Helcom Response recommends stronger wildlife targets
- October 2nd / Sea Alarm signs MoU with the University of Guelph
- October 2nd / First POSOW training sessions held in France
- October 2nd / Sea Alarm at SpillCon 2013
- May 3rd / Welcome to Sea Alarm Paul Kelway!
- March 29th / Sea Alarm attends SPILLCON in Australia
- March 11th / MoUs increase global wildlife response capacity
- March 11th / Preparedness meetings and exercises in 2012
- March 11th / Other 2012 Sea Alarm news
- May 29th / Launch of the POSOW website
- January 19th / Welcome on board Claude Velter!
- January 19th / A five year exercise programme in the Netherlands
- January 18th / Wildlife response for oil spill in Nigeria
- January 17th / Scheduled HELCOM wildlife events in 2012
- January 17th / North Sea States adopt instrument on oiled wildlife response
- January 17th / Tracking progress in oiled seabird rehabilitation
- January 17th / International Wildlife Responders meeting
- January 17th / Wildlife response awareness event in Ireland
- January 17th / Sea Alarm at oil industry events
- January 17th / Developments in arctic oiled wildlife response
- January 17th / Sea Alarm presentation day at ITOPF
- January 17th / Sea Alarm meets with the RSPCA
- January 17th / Oiled Wildlife Response comes to West and Central Africa
- January 17th / Oiled wildlife preparedness for Black Sea Countries
- December 22nd / Sea Alarm at the BRISK seminar in Poland
- November 14th / The ITOPF R&D Award
- June 29th / REMPEC and Sea Alarm MoU signed
- June 29th / Oil Spill incident in Norway
- June 29th / Oil spill incident in Amsterdam
- June 28th / Arctic oiled wildlife response
- June 28th / A fresh perspective…
- June 28th / In memoriam: Jim Conroy
- June 28th / In memoriam: Alessandro Barisich
- June 23rd / New Country Wildlife Response Profiles
- June 23rd / Oiled wildlife preparedness seminar in Norway
- June 22nd / European oiled wildlife response developments
- June 22nd / The European polluter pays principle
- June 22nd / Visiting wildlife responders west coast of US
- December 23rd / Merry Christmas from Brussels
- December 23rd / Eight up fundraising initiative
- December 23rd / A new chapter for Sea Alarm
- December 23rd / Sea Alarm presents at the IPIECA Oil Spill Working Group
- December 23rd / Sea Alarm at the 2011 International Oil Spill Conference
- December 23rd / Exercising oiled wildlife response in Egypt
- December 23rd / DG Echo and EMSA workshop
- December 23rd / Opening Wildlife Response Centre Ostend
- December 23rd / HELCOM Response Meeting St Petersburg
- December 23rd / Meeting European response team
- December 23rd / EMPOLLEX Exchange
- December 23rd / Oil spill alert in Brittany
- December 23rd / Sea Alarm seeks cooperation with ECSA
- December 23rd / EnSaCo seminar and workshop
- August 6th / Gulf of Mexico spill
- August 6th / Project with WWF NL
- August 6th / Developments in international preparedness
- August 6th / Oiled wildlife response and responders in the UK
- August 6th / Revamp of oiledwildlife.eu
- August 6th / OTSOPA 2010
- August 6th / Developments in Ireland
- August 6th / Sea Alarm at the Adriatic Oil Spill Conference
- August 6th / Turkey IBRRC training
- August 6th / Roser leaving Sea Alarm
- August 6th / ProBird volunteer course
- August 6th / EnSaCo activities 2010
- August 6th / EMSA Stakeholder consultation meeting
- August 6th / Spill of glue like substance in Netherlands
- March 11th / Oil spill in the Italian River Po
- March 11th / In memoriam: Melina Mosch
- March 11th / Advice to Finland Rescue Service
- March 11th / Training for WWF Finland volunteers
- March 11th / Sea Alarm granted observer status at HELCOM
- March 11th / EMPOWER applications are rolling in
- November 27th / EMPOWER Membership opened
- November 27th / Monitoring audit successful
- November 27th / Volunteer training in Estonia
- November 27th / Full City response debrief at EOW
- November 27th / Planning workshop for Baltic countries
- November 27th / Saskia Sessions joins Sea Alarm
- November 18th / NGO Networking in Turkey
- November 18th / Sea Alarm at the Black Sea Commission
- October 30th / 10th Effects of Oil on Wildlife Conference a Great Success
- September 25th / Helcom moving swiftly to integrate oiled wildlife
- August 5th / Wildlife response underway in Norway
- August 3rd / Sea Alarm responds to oil spill in Norway
- July 15th / New Sea Alarm Office
- June 30th / EMSA and DG Environment Workshop
- June 14th / Cooperation with REMPEC
- June 13th / Update on Progress in Portugal
- May 30th / Meeting of the UK Environmental Group
- May 29th / Update on the RIOS Project
- May 28th / EMPOWER Steering Group Meeting
- May 26th / New Sea Alarm Brochure
- May 20th / Sea Alarm at Interspill 09
- April 2nd / New Sea Alarm Chairman
- April 2nd / Call for Papers and Posters
- April 2nd / Interspill 2009 Conference & Exhibition
- April 2nd / EMPOWER Network Steering Group Meeting
- April 2nd / Ostend Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
- April 2nd / Netherlands Oiled Wildlife Contingency Plan
- April 2nd / Spill in Queensland, Australia
- April 2nd / Visit to Tallinn, Estonia
- April 2nd / Spill in Ireland
- April 2nd / Call for Proposals: Oiled Wildlife Care Network
- April 2nd / Interesting Web Links
- April 2nd / Sea Alarm in the Press
- December 17th / Effects of Oil on Wildlife in Estonia, October 2009
- December 17th / Changes to the Sea Alarm Board
- December 17th / Country Wildlife Response Profiles
- December 17th / EMPOWER Network created
- December 15th / New Communication and Public Relations Officer
- December 15th / RSPCA Training
- December 12th / Bird Hazing Manual
- December 12th / Notification exercise
- December 12th / Fastank testing in Ostend
- December 11th / Interspill 2009
- November 30th / Sea Alarm provides training to Chevron and StatoilHydro
- November 25th / Equipment inspection exercise
- November 20th / The Fedra spill
- November 5th / Sea Alarm joins EuroSpill
- October 31st / HELCOM Developments
- October 30th / The RIOS Project
- October 30th / Developments in Portugal
- October 12th / New Zealand oiled wildlife expert on fact-finding mission
- May 30th / OTSOPA
- April 30th / Sea Alarm joins ISCO
- April 30th / Developments in the Netherlands
- April 21st / Sea Alarm runner-up at the Seatrade Awards 2008
- April 4th / Developments in Sweden
- March 28th / Training exercise ‘Parlita’
- March 19th / Baltic Regional Training Workshop
- February 3rd / Mystery Spill in Germany
- December 31st / Archive 2007
- November 20th / Black Sea incident – on site
- November 16th / Black Sea incident – a team is travelling to site
- November 14th / Black Sea incident – video and reports on the incident
- November 13th / Black Sea incident – 30,000 birds oiled?
- November 13th / Black Sea incident – Information on www.oiledwildlife.eu
- December 31st / Archive 2006
- December 31st / Archive 2005
- December 31st / Archive 2004