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Saskia Sessions joins Sea Alarm


Saskia has recently joined the Sea Alarm team as Senior Technical Advisor. Many know Saskia from her previous position as Project Officer in the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) in Lisbon, which she joined in 2006.

Saskia was closely involved in the development of EMSA”s pollution preparedness & response activities. She was the main author of EMSA”s internal emergency plan and since 2007 was responsible for facilitating and co-ordinating the CTG meetings, one of the main European Member State committees on oil spill response. Before EMSA, Saskia worked for several years in the consultancy department of Oil Spill Response, during which period she wrote several oil spill contingency plans for authorities and oil companies, including plans for oil production operations in Brunei and Sakhalin Island, Russia. Saskia is a marine environmental scientist by training. She started her post with Sea Alarm on October 1 2009, after which she immediately had the opportunity to meet many of the key actors at the Effects of Oil on Wildlife Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

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