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Sea Alarm at the Adriatic Oil Spill Conference

Sea Alarm was invited to make a presentation at the 1st Adriatic oil spill conference organised by OSEC, which took place on 12-14 May in Opatija, Croatia. This was the first regional conference of this kind and brought together stakeholders and experts in oil spill response from all six countries bordering the Adriatic – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia. The Adriatic Sea is under consideration as a particularly sensitive sea area (PSSA), given that it is a ‘hot spot’ for shipping and also home to many endangered wildlife species, such as Mediterranean monk seals, sea turtles and large numbers of migratory birds.

As none of the Adriatic countries yet have a wildlife plan in place, Sea Alarm made a presentation on what oiled wildlife response means in practice and how important it is to develop plans integrated with the wider oil spill response to minimise the damage of an oil spill on Adriatic wildlife. This was also an opportunity to inform and remind the audience about the MoU being developed between Sea Alarm and REMPEC. This MoU, once finalised, will allow Mediterranean coastal states (Barcelona Convention Contracting Parties) to call on Sea Alarm for help and advice during an oiled wildlife incident via REMPEC’s Mediterranean Assistance Unit.

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