Sea Alarm bids farewell to Christophe Blazy
Technical Adviser Christophe Blazy has recently resigned from his position at Sea Alarm to join the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife of the Caribbean (SPAW-RAC) in Guadeloupe as Marine Ecosystems and Protected Areas Project Officer.
In his role at SPAW-RAC, Christophe will provide technical support to the Contracting Parties to the SPAW Protocol, as well as international networks of experts, regarding the conservation and sustainable management of marine ecosystems and protected areas in the Wider Caribbean.
We very much enjoyed working with Christophe and watching him achieve such a steep learning curve as a Technical Advisor. He quickly picked up the key issues of marine wildlife pollution emergencies, while contributing to the many projects Sea Alarm was running.
Christophe did lots of online research to underpin the environmental context of our country profiles, assisted in our supporting roles for international networks such as GOWRS and EUROWA, coordinated the development of the new EUROWA website, participated in ongoing projects such as EUROWA-2, and in-country support activities. Meanwhile he was a great colleague with unlimited professional curiosity and energy, a warm and very pleasant member of our team – and a friend.
Christophe’s new position in the Caribbean will also include activities on marine pollution (e.g. oil spills, marine litter, etc.), in collaboration with other RACs of the Cartagena Convention. Therefore, we are sure that our paths will cross again in the future.
We wish Christophe all the best in his new job and look forward to any further collaboration we may have in the future across the Atlantic.