The IPIECA-OGP Good Practice Guide on Oiled Wildlife Preparedness is designed to guide industry and governments in developing a level of preparedness for oiled wildlife response to international standards of good practice. It describes the nature of an oiled wildlife incident and the various the challenges that responders may be confronted with and also provides recommendations for developing response plans and their implementation.
To assist with benchmarking their progress, Sea Alarm has developed a Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) as an instrument that countries can use to assess their current level of preparedness.
SAT Principles
The Self-Assessment tool takes you through a series of statements, divided into 6 categories (Planning & Integration, Exercises, Training, Equipment & Facilities, Euthanasia and Partnering & Funding). The categories represent systems that have been created or activities that are taking place as part of a country’s intention to develop a higher level of oiled wildlife preparedness.
The statements you choose in each category when filling in the SAT signify the level of preparedness (ranging from ‘to be initiated’ to ‘excellent’). When completing the SAT, countries should select the statements which most closely describe their assessment of their national preparedness, which will result in a specific score for each category. Once the SAT is completed, the results are represented on a radar chart (see below). The blue rings in the chart, moving from light to dark blue as you move outwards, represent an increasing level of preparedness.

Completing a SAT
This page gives you access to your country’s portal to complete the SAT v2.0.
If this is the first time you are accessing this site to complete the SAT, please contact Sea Alarm who will help you create your account and provide further instructions. If you already have your login details, you can login in on the right hand side. Once logged in you will be able to complete a new SAT and view other SATs that you have completed in the past. If you have completed the SAT offline in the past you should have those in this portal which have been autocompleted for you by Sea Alarm.
Thank you for completing the SAT !